Sunday, March 4, 2012

Clothing Rant!

Here in Southern Oregon, or as I like to call it, smalltown USA, there are very few explicitly alternative (or alternatively inclined) shops. I therefore generally result to Goodwill and other thrift shops, and a fair amount of DIY, for my look.
However, there is one store, in a town 32 minutes away from mine, called Renaissance Rose, which is a very nice place, with pieces by Living Dead Souls and similar brands, some independent lables, and a hodge-podge of things for the differently-minded individual, with a large costume section, steampunk area and goth corner.
I get all my fishnets there, my wigs and occasionally a fun pair of socks, and an on-sale shirt or skirt. Unfortunately, they can be and often are VERY expensive. To me, at least. I have only about eighty dollars monthly at my disposal for clothes, dinners and other odds-and-ends. Living at home, this isn't so bad. Unless my wardrobe becomes severely limited, as it has been recently by a teacher's unwillingness to allow modestly-worn corsets (the rant is heating up), in which case I need to buy a couple shirts and gifts for my brother's thirteenth birthday, and all the little things I normally take care of. This stretches my budget almost beyond the limits.
Thank god I  saved some money from last month, otherwise I would not be able to afford the nicer Goth shirts desired to expand my wardrobe. Really, it was stretch my dollar and invest in some nice shirts or wear ripped skinny jeans and obscure T-shirts. Not that I have anything against such a look, but having very few other options would drive me crazy(ier than I already am).
I have never once bought a piece by any 'Goth' name brand, sheerly because of the price. Offline, sure. My boots are Demonia. So are most of my shoes, now that I think of it, but I got them all on sale or for less than usually expected. I never buy clothes offline, since lots of things that should be my size sit oddly on my frame and I can't trust the blasted sizing charts.
So, to sum up the rant, WHY must Goth clothes be so expensive?
I think I'll just buy some fabric and patterns...

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