Sunday, March 17, 2013


In addition to my slight cupcake bender, I have
-attended a production of West Side Story (it was miserable, this shall be its last mention)
-participated in (and will continue to participate in) a cultural exchange between our sister city and my city, entertaining a host of Russian doctors... one of the requirements set by the program was that they must be at the top of their fields, so we have a group of five extremely intelligent Russians. The sound of their language is just so beautiful <3 I'm really hoping I can take part in the return delegation next fall... *crosses fingers* I'd love to go to Russia! It's becoming a bit of a pet obsession... I enjoy the history, am intrigued by the politics, and of course the country and language are just so pretty...
-done a LOT of homework...
-read Catch-22 (I loved it- possibly my new favorite book- and I will undoubtedly be doing a book review soon.
-received the products of my online shopping:

pink and black heart-shaped sunglasses, polka dot sunglasses, a bubble umbrella and a cute cupcake necklace!

the most adorable cupcake fabric (this I didn't get online, but it's a new purchase so I lumped it in)

cute little petticoat to make my skirts puff out in a Lolita manner- I've worn it three or four times- took a little getting used to

If I remember correctly, I spent less than 50$ on all this, so thank you amazon!! The most expensive thing was the petticoat, which I got on, and it was totally worth it. So perfect and adorable. The cupcake fabric I round on sale in JoAnn's! *Much happiness*
Has anyone scored any deals they're particularly proud of?

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