Because this was inevitable, I thought I'd get it over with sooner, rather than later. Doctor Who is amazing.
The characters (and their associated sexiness) aren't the only great thing about Doctor Who. The villains, the problems, the sheer amount of thought that must go into the plots! Best. series. ever. If you haven't seen it, your life means nothing. Not really, that would be sad if your life was judged on the basis of whether you have seen a certain television show (no matter how awesome said show is).
Personally, I always have loved the Daleks, with their constant 'EXTERMINATE' and unwillingness to accept the superiority of any other species. The Weeping Angels were pretty awesome too, though they also freaked me out a bit, with the whole not-moving-til'-you're-not-looking thing. The Doctor always triumphs, however (he's like the Black Knight! -More Monty Python later) through a combination of wit, skill, energy and a little bit of luck.
River Song. Ah, River Song. Born Melody Pond, her name was roughly translated and turned out River Song. I actually considered changing my name to River, but no matter how much I love the character I don't think I could stand the jokes that would abound in my hometown (things like calling me 'River Wild' or adressing me as 'Rogue River' would become popular... I don't want to think about it.)
WATCH THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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