Tuesday, June 4, 2013


A while back, I grumbled about the lack of definition to my style. Since then, I've found my wardrobe forming into four separate parts:




While I have neither the funds nor the time to create really great, complex looks, the above photos are from my last week of school and define my styles pretty well, I'd say. Of course I have a couple steampunk pieces thrown in, and more nerdy shirts than I know what to do with, but overall I'd say that I've got three big parts and only a few items of clothing that don't fit in to any of those.

On another note, I've started to miss my long hair... which is silly, because when I have it I rarely do anything with it, but now that I'm out of high school and will henceforth be operating more on my own schedule, I think I'll let it grow back out and see how it goes.

Happy end of school, northern hemisphere!

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