Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Best Presents Ever

source: spieletom.com
(just the doll, not the beach thingy)
           We went to visit my grandma recently, and in exchange for helping her set up her ipod, she got me a present. She really didn't need to do that, she's my grandmother, of course I'd help her with anything! But she knew I'd been wanting something.... Draculaura. The Monster High doll. She is SO cute ^.^ she's sitting on a closet shelf, right where I can see her everyday. Monster High is the best thing since sliced bread. If I knew why sliced bread is so cool, that statement would make more sense.
           The other thing I got is from a friend named Victor. He's a chef from the U.K. who teaches in Minnesota but he came to visit and brought me the best software ever. A "Desktop Pythonizer," which basically gives you a bunch of Monty Python screen savers and decorations. There's also "rude keyboard noises" but I have opted out of those as they kept making me giggle as I tried to do homework.

source: recycledgoods.com

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